Blood pressure is the pressure of the bloodstream against the artery walls cause by the heart pumping blood. High blood pressure is cause by the deterioration of the arteries. This leads to hardening and narrowing of the blood vessels. This condition is an indicator associat with the development of various diseases such as coronary heart disease. Stroke, kidney disease, and diabetes
To know whether you have high blood pressure or not Blood pressure must be measure with a blood pressure monitor. UFABET recommend you should measure your blood pressure after sitting for at least 30 minutes and 1 hour after eating. Drinking coffee, smoking, or exercising.
First of all, you should understand that The following methods for urgently reducing high blood pressure are only methods that may help temporarily. And importantly, these methods are not the main method for directly treating high blood pressure.
For those who are found to have high blood pressure The first thing you should do is Check the measure pressure value. If the systolic pressure is found to be higher than 180 millimeters of mercury (mmHg), the diastolic pressure is higher than 120 millimeters of mercury (mmHg), or the following symptoms are found: Hurry and see a doctor immediately.
In the case where the measure pressure value is only slightly high or there are no abnormal symptoms associat with it. The first step is to try to breathe deeply and slowly and lie down for about 2–3 minutes to relax your body. Since stress and anxiety will increase your blood pressure, then try the following steps.
- Drink water because dehydration may cause blood pressure to increase.
- Eat dark chocolate because dark chocolate often contains flavonoids, which may help reduce blood pressure slightly. However, you should eat in small amounts.
- Take a cold shower , as the temperature of the cold water may help constrict blood vessels. And may help lower blood pressure.
- Smell essential oils extracted from various parts of plants ( Aromatherapy ) or gently massage the body to help relax.
- Stretch gently or walk slowly.
If you try these methods and the blood pressure still does not decrease. Patients should immediately see a doctor for examination and appropriate treatment by a doctor.
However, as mentioned above, It’s not a quick way to reduce high blood pressure. Ways to deal with high blood pressure directly and may only help temporarily.